
How To Download Entire Text Conversation Iphone

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Home > Backup & Restore iPhone > How to Save Entire Text Conversations from iPhone in iOS 15?

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I have some pretty important text conversations on my current iPhone, and they contain some important information which I need to keep. Rather than trying to manually record the important information, is there any way to save an entire text conversation to my computer so I can access it at any time? BTW, it's iOS 15 I'm using if you need to know.

This is a question we found in Apple Community and we believe that this is a question lots of iPhone users, especially those who love to text, are facing. Is there any method or third-party application which can be used to save entire text conversations from iPhone to computer, so that users can access and use them in the future?

Fortunately, the answer is Yes. What may surprise you is that there are two ways to do so even though one of them is a little troublesome. Anyway, let's start with the easy one:

  • Save Entire Text Conversations from iPhone via iTransor
  • Save Entire Text Conversations from iPhone via Email

1. Save Entire Text Conversations from iPhone via iTransor

If you want to save all the text conversations, or choose the certain ones to save, a brilliant option is using iMyFone iTransor. It's a specialist data exporter tool that allows you to export data from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch with iOS 15 to computer. The great thing is, you can also use the software to selectively back up and restore your iPhone. Here are some key features of the export aspect:

  • Export data from not only iPhone/iPad/iPod touch, but also backups made by iTunes, iCloud or iTransor.
  • Besides text conversations, the software supports to export other 17 different types of data including WhatsApp, contacts, photos, voice memos and much more.
  • Allows you to export data in different formats such as .XLS, .CSV and .HTML

Windows version Mac version

Here are the steps to follow to save your entire text conversations from iPhone after downloading the iTransor software and open it up on your computer.

Step 1. Once you've entered the program, select Export from Device & Backup from the left-hand side. You'll then need to hit Export from Device.


Step 2. On the next screen you'll see various data types. Choose the appropriate data type, which in this case will be Messages since you need to save text conversations. Multiple types of data can be chosen, also.


Step 3. Hit Scan and the software will start combing through the data. Once the process has finished, you'll be able to preview all of the data. That means you can read through all of your text conversations and select the one that you wish to save.


Step 4. When you've found the one that you want to save, you just need to click Export and then choose where you want to store it. Then your text messages will be exported and saved on your computer.


2. Save Entire Text Conversations from iPhone via Email

If you don't want to use a third-party application, then you could use your email to save the text conversations. You can do this directly from your iPhone. If you don't know how to directly email messages to yourself from your iPhone, then here are some steps to follow:

  • Access your iPhone, open up the Messages application and find the conversation that you wish to save.
  • Tap and hold on the message that you wish to save, and then select More from the popup box.
  • You can then select which messages from the conversation you want to save by tapping on each individual one. You'll see a blue, circular tick on the left-hand side.
  • Tap the curved forward arrow in the bottom-right of the screen. Tap and hold in the text field, hit Select All then select Copy.
  • Open up your email, select New Email and type in your own email address. Paste the message you just copied, and tap Send.
  • All you need to do then is access your email account on your computer and save the content to anywhere you like. You can copy it to a doc file, also.

forward messages on iphone

But, this only applies to those that only want to save the text conversations as a backup. There is no timestamp or the sender and receiver. Only the textual content.

There are two methods that you can follow if you want to save entire text conversations from your iPhone. The more direct route is of course iMyFone iTransor(iOS 15 supported), but the email technique will still get the job done as a last resort. Anyway, download the free trial version of iMyFone iTransor and check what it can do for you. Don't forget that it can selectively back up data on your device.

Windows version Mac version

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How To Download Entire Text Conversation Iphone


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